Brazil Meaning in Bengali

What is the meaning of word Brazil in Bengali/Bangla ?

Meaning of Brazil in Bangla is : ব্রাজিল (b r a . j i l)

Defenition of word Brazil

  • the largest country in South America, in the east-central part of the continent, on the Atlantic Ocean; population 198,739,300 (est. 2009); capital, Brasilia; official language, Portuguese.
  • a large three-sided nut with an edible kernel, several of which grow inside a large woody capsule. Brazil nuts grow on a South American forest tree, and most are harvested in the wild.
  • a hard red wood obtained from a tropical tree and from which dyes may be obtained.


Other foods to stay clear of are tree nuts (such as almonds, cashews, Brazils , hazelnuts and walnuts), sesame seeds, fish, shellfish, eggs and dairy produce.

Other Meaning of Brazil

  • NOUN

    ব্রেজিল brazil

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