Cabriolet Meaning in Bengali

What is the meaning of word Cabriolet in Bengali/Bangla ?

Meaning of Cabriolet in Bangla is : এক্কাগাড়িবিশেষ

Defenition of word Cabriolet

  • a car with a roof that folds down.
  • a light, two-wheeled carriage with a hood, drawn by one horse.


Taking only a minimum of effort to change guises, it can be transformed from a three-door hatchback to a small sedan with an open roof, a cabriolet , a sporty spider or even a pickup.

Other Meaning of Cabriolet

  • NOUN

    এক্কাগাড়িবিশেষ cabriolet
    লঘুভার দ্বিচক্রযানবিশেষ cabriolet
  • MORE

    হুডখোলা মোটরগাড়ি cabriolet

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