Cubit Meaning in Bengali

What is the meaning of word Cubit in Bengali/Bangla ?

Meaning of Cubit in Bangla is : হস্ত (h O s . t o)

Defenition of word Cubit

  • an ancient measure of length, approximately equal to the length of a forearm. It was typically about 18 inches or 44 cm, though there was a long cubit of about 21 inches or 52 cm.


Tamil Brahman women wear a sari that is eighteen cubits long.

Other Meaning of Cubit

  • NOUN

    হস্ত hand forearm cubit arm
    একহস্তপরিমিত মাপ cubit
  • MORE

    দৈর্ঘ্যের প্রাচীন পরিমাপ cubit