Geneva Meaning in Bengali

What is the meaning of word Geneva in Bengali/Bangla ?

Meaning of Geneva in Bangla is : জেনেভা (j e . n e . bh a)

Defenition of word Geneva

  • a city in southwestern Switzerland, on Lake Geneva; population 179,971 (2007). It is headquarters of international bodies such as the Red Cross, various organizations of the United Nations, and the World Health Organization.

Other Meaning of Geneva

  • NOUN

    জেনেভা geneva
  • MORE

    যুদ্ধের সময় আহত ব্যক্তি, হাসপাতাল, অ্যাম্বুলেন্স ইত্যাদির প্রতি আচরণসংক্রান্ত জেনাভা চুক্তি geneva