Kicker Meaning in Bengali

What is the meaning of word Kicker in Bengali/Bangla ?

Meaning of Kicker in Bangla is : পদাঘাতকারী

Defenition of word Kicker

  • a person or animal that kicks.
  • an unexpected and often unpleasant discovery or turn of events.
  • a small outboard motor.
  • (in poker) a high third card retained in the hand with a pair at the draw.


I found something quite significant while watching the tapes: the best underwater kickers don't kick parallel to the surface.

Other Meaning of Kicker

  • NOUN

    পদাঘাতকারী kicker
  • MORE

    ভালো শট করতে পারে kicker
    যে পা দিয়ে ভালো মারতে পারে kicker
    যে ঘোড়া চাঁট ছোঁড়ে kicker

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