Lollipop Meaning in Bengali

What is the meaning of word Lollipop in Bengali/Bangla ?

Meaning of Lollipop in Bangla is : বাতাসা (b a . t a . sh a)

Defenition of word Lollipop

  • a flat, rounded candy on the end of a stick.


Life is not all candy canes and lollipops but it doesn't mean we should forget what the results of our actions are.

Other Meaning of Lollipop

  • NOUN

    বাতাসা lollipop
  • MORE

    লালিপাপ lolly lollipop
    কাঠির মাথায় লাগানো একরকমের লজেন্সজাতীয় খাবার lollipop