Metalloid Meaning in Bengali

What is the meaning of word Metalloid in Bengali/Bangla ?

Meaning of Metalloid in Bangla is : ধাতুকল্প

Defenition of word Metalloid

  • an element (e.g., germanium or silicon) whose properties are intermediate between those of metals and solid nonmetals. They are electrical semiconductors.


Another group of elements - the metalloid or semi-metal elements - share some properties with the metals and some with the nonmetals.

Other Meaning of Metalloid

  • NOUN

    ধাতুকল্প metalloid
    ধাতুবৎ অধাতব তত্তুল্য metalloid
    ধাতুবৎ অধাতব পদার্থ metalloid
    উপধাতু metalloid

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