Olympian Meaning in Bengali

What is the meaning of word Olympian in Bengali/Bangla ?

Meaning of Olympian in Bangla is : অলিম্পিয়ান

Defenition of word Olympian

  • associated with Mount Olympus in northeastern Greece, or with the Greek gods whose home was traditionally held to be there.
  • relating to the ancient or modern Olympic Games.
  • any of the twelve Greek gods regarded as living on Olympus.
  • a competitor in the Olympic Games.


These personal advisers were the alleged well-spring of Olympian justice, as Zeus meted out punishment with the same reckless abandon that he exercised in chasing his paramours.

Other Meaning of Olympian

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    স্বর্গীয় olympian blissful amaranthine
    কল্পস্বর্গচারী olympian
    দেবতুল্য মানুষ olympian
    দিব্য olympian
    অলিম্পাস-সংক্রান্ত olympian
    প্রাচীন গ্রীসের উচ্চকোটির দেবতাদের যে-কোনো একজন olympian

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