Roseola Meaning in Bengali

What is the meaning of word Roseola in Bengali/Bangla ?

Meaning of Roseola in Bangla is : রোগবিশেষ

Defenition of word Roseola

  • a rose-colored rash occurring in measles, typhoid fever, syphilis, and some other diseases.


Most other respiratory viruses (such as regular measles, mumps, roseola , mononucleosis [‘mono’] and bronchiolitis) don't seem to increase the normal risk for birth defects.

Other Meaning of Roseola

  • MORE

    হামের লালচে ফুসকুড়ি বা ছোপ roseola
  • NOUN

    রোগবিশেষ roseola relapsing fever rose rash comedo

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