Serbian Meaning in Bengali

What is the meaning of word Serbian in Bengali/Bangla ?

Meaning of Serbian in Bangla is : সার্বিআর ভাষা

Defenition of word Serbian

  • of or relating to Serbia, the Serbs, or their language.
  • the Southern Slavic language of the Serbs, almost identical to Croatian but written in the Cyrillic alphabet.


Finally, it has been acknowledged that this problem must be immediately addressed - either weeks of Serbian pleas have finally gotten through, or press coverage is getting more intense.

Other Meaning of Serbian

  • NOUN

    সার্বিআ-দেশের ভাষা serb serbian
    সার্বিআ-দেশের লোক serb serbian
    সার্বিআর ভাষা serbian
    সার্বিআর লোক serbian

    সার্বিআন serbian
  • MORE

    সার্বিয়া সংক্রান্ত serbian

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