Talon Meaning in Bengali

What is the meaning of word Talon in Bengali/Bangla ?

Meaning of Talon in Bangla is : ট্যালন

Defenition of word Talon

  • a claw, especially one belonging to a bird of prey.
  • the part of a bolt against which the key presses to slide it in a lock.
  • (in various card games) the cards that have not yet been dealt.


the mouse wouldn't have stood much chance against the peregrine's talons

Other Meaning of Talon

  • NOUN

    নখর claw talon nail
    নখ nail talon claw
    পাখির বক্রাকার নখর talon
  • MORE

    শিকারী পক্ষীর নখর talon
    আঙ্গুলের লম্বা নখ talon