Verso Meaning in Bengali

What is the meaning of word Verso in Bengali/Bangla ?

Meaning of Verso in Bangla is : বিপরীত (b i . p o . r i t)

Defenition of word Verso

  • a left-hand page of an open book, or the back of a loose document.
  • the reverse of something such as a coin or painting.


Happily, the verso of the title page tells us why: it's printed in 11.75 point on 15.5 point Minion, with 33 lines to the page in Royal Octavo size.

Other Meaning of Verso

  • NOUN

    মুদ্রার উলটা পিঠ tails verso
    পদকের উলটা পিঠ verso
  • MORE

    মুদ্রা বা পদকের উল্টো পিঠ verso
    খোলা বইয়ের বাঁ পৃষ্ঠা verso

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