Belvedere Meaning in Bengali

What is the meaning of word Belvedere in Bengali/Bangla ?

Meaning of Belvedere in Bangla is : বুরূজ

Defenition of word Belvedere


Here NGP proposes inserting what is effectively a completely new glazed building into the hole, rising on tall columns to provide an inhabited roof level with a cyclopean belvedere of a west wall.

Other Meaning of Belvedere

  • NOUN

    বুরূজ bastion belvedere
    গ্রীষ্মাবাস summerhouse belvedere
    ছোট গম্বুজ belvedere
  • MORE

    চারিপাশের দৃশ্যাবলী অবলোকন করার জন্য উঁচু গম্বুজ belvedere