Canteen Meaning in Bengali

What is the meaning of word Canteen in Bengali/Bangla ?

Meaning of Canteen in Bangla is : ক্যান্টিন (k E n . T i n)

Defenition of word Canteen

  • a restaurant provided by an organization such as a military camp, college, factory, or company for its soldiers, students, staff, etc..
  • a small water bottle, as used by soldiers or campers.


Anybody who has seen a fight sequence from a Hindi film which takes place in a college canteen or a restaurant will know the answer.

Other Meaning of Canteen

  • NOUN

    সৈনিকের জলপাত্র canteen
    সেনানিবাসের দোকান canteen
  • MORE

    খাদ্যপানীয়ের দোকান বা হোটেল canteen