Mermaid Meaning in Bengali

What is the meaning of word Mermaid in Bengali/Bangla ?

Meaning of Mermaid in Bangla is : মৎসকন্যা

Defenition of word Mermaid

  • a fictitious or mythical half-human sea creature with the head and trunk of a woman and the tail of a fish, conventionally depicted as beautiful and with long flowing golden hair.


Over the past decades he has created a menagerie of animals and mythical creatures, including mermaids and two-headed dragons.

Other Meaning of Mermaid

  • MORE

    মৎসকন্যা mermaid
    যে সমুদ্রপরীর উপরিভাগ নারীর মতো নিম্নভাগ মাছের মতো mermaid
  • NOUN

    মত্স্যকুমারী mermaid
    মত্স্যনারী mermaid