Microphone Meaning in Bengali

What is the meaning of word Microphone in Bengali/Bangla ?

Meaning of Microphone in Bangla is : মাইক (m a i^ k)

Defenition of word Microphone

  • an instrument for converting sound waves into electrical energy variations, which may then be amplified, transmitted, or recorded.


We don't take up much room and don't have any amplifiers or microphones to encumber us.

Other Meaning of Microphone

  • NOUN

    মাইক mike microphone
  • MORE

    শব্দ জোরাল করিবার যন্ত্র microphone
    শব্দতরঙ্গকে বিদ্যুৎ প্রবাহে পরিণত করিবার যন্ত্র microphone