Procurator Meaning in Bengali

What is the meaning of word Procurator in Bengali/Bangla ?

Meaning of Procurator in Bangla is : ম্যানেজার (m E . n e . j a r)

Defenition of word Procurator

  • an agent representing others in a court of law in countries retaining Roman civil law.


Nowhere in the flayed skin of Grünewald is there a trace of the Jesus who looked at Pilate through his one good eye and informed the Roman procurator that he would have no power were it not given from above.

Other Meaning of Procurator

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    আমমোক্তার procurator proctor
    মোক্তার procurator
    ক্ষমতাপ্রাপ্ত প্রতিনিধি accredited agent procurator authorised agent
    প্রাচীন রোম-সম্রাজ্যাধীন প্রদেশের দেওয়ান procurator