Roe Meaning in Bengali

What is the meaning of word Roe in Bengali/Bangla ?

Meaning of Roe in Bangla is : মাছের ডিমের দল

Defenition of word Roe

  • the mass of eggs contained in the ovaries of a female fish or shellfish, typically including the ovaries themselves, especially when ripe and used as food.
  • a small Eurasian deer that lacks a visible tail and has a reddish summer coat that turns grayish in winter.
  • rules of engagement (in combat).


lumpfish roe is most like caviar

Other Meaning of Roe

  • NOUN

    মাছের ডিমের দল roe
    মত্স্যের ডিন্দ roe
    ক্ষুদ্র হরিণবিশেষ roe roebuck roedeer
  • MORE

    এশিয়া ও ইওরোপ মহাদেশে প্রাপ্ত একজাতীয় হরিণ roe