Two-Handed Meaning in Bengali

What is the meaning of word Two-Handed in Bengali/Bangla ?

Meaning of Two-Handed in Bangla is : দুই হাত বিশিষ্ট

Defenition of word Two-Handed

  • having, using, or requiring the use of two hands.


For a moment, he was tempted to draw the weapon in his holster and shoot two-handed .

Other Meaning of Two-Handed

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    দুই হাতবিশিষ্ট two-handed
    উভয় হস্ত দ্বারা ব্যবহৃত two-handed

    উভয় হস্ত দ্বারা কৃত two-handed
    দ্বিভুজ two-handed two-sided